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Sandy grew up on a farm in rural Minnesota, got married and moved to Iowa to raise a family and spent the next 45 years following non-art careers.

She completed 3 non-art degrees, including a MA in Counseling from USD. Even though her life has lead her on a very diverse and unpredictable path, one thing has always been a constant – a love of art. In her younger years her stated goal was to become a bohemian artist doing pottery and painting! Bohemian was important as it spoke to her love of color and how she planned to dress!

She has painted as a hobby to fill a passion Sandy had and felt all her life. She enjoys many styles of art and has not landed on just what she is. Sandy has done everything from landscapes and portraits to abstracts. She started working with oils, went to acrylic and back to some oils. She even works with charcoal and finds that enjoyable. Sandy's paintings have to speak to her – often the canvas speaks to her and tells her, "I’m needing to head in a different direction." She often finds herself lost in her work when having a brush in hand.

Sandy says, "My life is now going to allow me to finally follow my unbelievable dream of becoming a full-time artist. I am so excited to see where my passion will lead me when I am able to unleash it!"

© 2019 by Art SUX Gallery 

515 4th Street, Sioux City, IA 51101

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